Ready to redesign your life?



This life design project was originally called Freestyle 61 and described how I came to move continents, shift careers, and create a whole new life.

Now I’ve lived this new life for a year or two, I’m ready to share the process that brought me to this position:

The Joy of a Blank Canvas - design a new life you love

Stay tuned for the online programme that walks you through this empowering process to build the life you really want.

‘I’d forgotten how to live for ME!’

I’m looking for early adopters who will be able to access this system at a very special rate.

If you’re looking for big changes in your life and want to relish the blank canvas rather than dreading it, will you join me?

Subscribe for news of the programme below and scroll down the page for more details of who this course is for and how it can help you transform your life.


What is The Joy of a Blank Canvas?


Have you reached a turning point in your life and want to now create something special – a life that makes you feel alive?
Whether you’ve faced personal struggles to reach this place or have arrived at a natural new chapter, this online programme will give you the clarity, confidence, energy and inspiration to create a new life you love.
Many people sleep walk through life, clinging on to the familiar and safe - but that’s not you!  You’re ready to design something unique that allows you to feel truly alive in your life and make the most of every single day.

Whatever your personal circumstances, The Joy of a Blank Canvas gives you the tools to fill that fresh new page with the people, places and activities that boost your energy and express your love of life.

This programme is for you if your are:

  • ready to shake it up and create an inspiring new chapter

  • a parent whose children have grown and you want to create YOUR life anew 

  • thinking about creating a thriving retirement

  • emerging from challenging circumstances – a divorce, a bereavement, a health scare, and you want to make the next years your best yet

  • an expat returning to your home country and wanting to settle well

  • finally ready to put yourself at the centre of your life

But even if you’re ready to step up and build a new life, something’s still holding you back. Perhaps you’re feeling:

  • Unsure about what you really want

  • Afraid that you won’t have what it takes to start over

  • Uncertain about how to make the best choices for your own future

  • Unclear where to start

  • You need a step-by-step process to get clear on what your ideal life looks like and how to make it happen

  • You know your current life is lacklustre, but don't know how to change it

If this sounds like you then you’re in the right place!
In The Joy of a Blank Canvas I’ll guide you through each step to ensure you are completely clear about what you value most in life and know how you can build a new way of living that suites who you are today.
(I won’t be telling you what to include in your life, just how to discover what you really want.)
Using the Joyful Life Canvas, you’ll learn a unique system that enables you to make confident and imaginative choices for your new life.
At the end of the programme you’ll have:

  • a clear plan for the year(s) ahead

  • a menu of what you need for a fulfilling and exciting life

  • a flexible process you can use again and again to design your ideal life – however circumstances may change in the future

  • the confidence, energy and vision to bring it all to life

  • a new sense of excitement and optimism about your future

Are you ready to start really living again?

Sign up for all the news and secure your early-bird price when it launches:


In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.
— John O'Donohue (For a New Beginning)
The Joy of a Blank Canvas.png
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
— Oscar Wilde

Online programme launching soon.

Sign up for news and join the wait list here