Posts tagged age
What’s really stopping you from creating a new career?

When you’re stuck in a job you’ve outgrown, that’s draining and depressing you, it’s not easy to find the energy to make the changes you need. Here are some common beliefs that keep you stuck - and how to reframe them to free the clarity and energy to break free and go after the fulfilment you deserve!

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Reinventing your career after divorce: from surviving to thriving

How can you emerge from divorce with a new career and life that allows you to thrive? My career reinvention story shows what I needed to do to rebuild, despite having to move countries, professions and starting all over again at the age of 57. By sharing the lessons I learnt, I hope others will be able to redesign a new chapter in which they can thrive.

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Am I too old to start a business?

Would you love to start your own business but secretly think you’ve left it too late? Think again! This article suggests better ways to explore the possibility of starting a business - and how age can be a real advantage. I share my own business story and how I came to set up Freestyle Careers in my 60th year. Yes, it’s still going strong!

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