Posts tagged reframe
What’s really stopping you from creating a new career?

When you’re stuck in a job you’ve outgrown, that’s draining and depressing you, it’s not easy to find the energy to make the changes you need. Here are some common beliefs that keep you stuck - and how to reframe them to free the clarity and energy to break free and go after the fulfilment you deserve!

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Am I too old to start a business?

Would you love to start your own business but secretly think you’ve left it too late? Think again! This article suggests better ways to explore the possibility of starting a business - and how age can be a real advantage. I share my own business story and how I came to set up Freestyle Careers in my 60th year. Yes, it’s still going strong!

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Urgent v. Important - what's driving your career?

Don’t let URGENT dominate what’s really most IMPORTANT to you. Instead of sleep-walking through your life, here are three simple ways you can take charge and refocus your attention on what matters most to you. Otherwise, the chances are you’ll end up somewhere you really did plan to be - exhausted, unfulfilled, trapped and dissatisfied. Time to redesign your thinking and start working towards a career you love.

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Tweak your job until you can make the leap into a new career

You want to change career direction but have to wait. How can you make useful changes to your current role to make it a better fit while also to taking you towards your new career? Making these tweaks to your tasks, work relationships and how you view your current work will allow you to make the most of your current work until you’re ready to make the leap into a new career. You might even fall in love again with the role you redesign!

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