Posts tagged choos
Do you feel pigeonholed or trapped in a career you’ve outgrown?

When you feel that you’ve already done your best work in your current career and yearn for something more fulfilling, how can you get beyond the fear that there’s nothing else you can do? Those feelings of being pigeonholed - whether as an accountant, a CEO, a media executive, a teacher - can keep you trapped and unable to act. So here’s how you can take a fresh view, open up new possibilities, and make a choice for something new!

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Am I too old to start a business?

Would you love to start your own business but secretly think you’ve left it too late? Think again! This article suggests better ways to explore the possibility of starting a business - and how age can be a real advantage. I share my own business story and how I came to set up Freestyle Careers in my 60th year. Yes, it’s still going strong!

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Should I stay or should I go? Why career decision-making is so difficult and how to choose well

When you’re hooked on a tough choice, how can you break free and make a confident choice that takes you in the best career direction for you? This article offers new ways of looking at the career dilemmas that have you paralysed, and ways you can make the best possible decision for you right now. Stay or go? that may be the wrong question!

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